Securing the Internet of Things

Securing the Internet of Things
Daniel Elizalde
Securing the internet of things - PMs need to be at the center of UX, Business, Tech, and security

I gave this talk as part of Product School’s ProductCon 2018 conference in Silicon Valley. My goal was to complement the conference’s agenda with a topic that is often overlooked: securing our products.

To learn about product security, professionals usually have to attend security-focused events. This segmentation of responsibilities is having a significant impact on the overall health of our IoT products.

[tweetherder]Securing the Internet of Things is more than a Technology challenge. It is a Product Management challenge.[/tweetherder]

Securing the internet of things - PMs need to be at the center of UX, Business, Tech, and security

Covered in this talk:

  • Why security is the biggest challenge facing IoT products today
  • The devastating consequences of lacking IoT security, beyond loss of data or identity theft: a compromised product can harm human life
  • Real-world examples of how compromised IoT devices are causing havoc in critical industries such as transportation, energy, agriculture, and water
  • Why securing the Internet of Things is much harder than securing non-connected products
  • An updated version of Martin Eriksson’s Venn diagram with Product Managers at the center of UX, Technology, Business, and Security—showing how security is an essential responsibility of Product Management
  • Three ways for Product Managers to start embracing security as a key part of their role

Watch the talk (18 minutes):

Securing the Internet of Things needs to be at the forefront of our priorities as Product Managers. As attacks continue to increase, we can’t just shrug our shoulders and believe this is someone else’s responsibility. We are responsible for the whole product, and security is a part of that.

[tweetherder]As attacks continue to proliferate, we can’t just shrug our shoulders and believe this is someone else’s responsibility.[/tweetherder]

Related resources:

P.S. If you liked this talk and you believe security is an essential part of the PM role, I’d appreciate you spreading the word by sharing this article with your colleagues and on social media.


  1. Zappedia 6 years ago

    Complexity is one of the largest barriers to effective security, and securing the Internet of Things is no doubt going to increase that complexity exponentially in organizations both large and small.

    Now’s the time to be thinking about keeping the Internet of Things in check on your network and any other networks that are associated with your business. Get the right people on board and at least start with a policy update that outlines what you’re doing and not doing — allowing and not allowing — with all of these connected devices.

  2. Justin jeosep 6 years ago

    Excellent Article! Nicely, explained on securing the Internet of things. Please keep sharing, I look forward to reading more.

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